"Creo que en cualquier época yo habría amado la libertad, pero en los tiempos que corren me inclino a adorarla" (Alexis de Tocqueville)

viernes, diciembre 30, 2005

La fragata "pacifista"


TRCSG Sailor Reenlists Aboard Spanish Ship Alvaro de Bazan
Story Number: NNS051013-06
Release Date: 10/13/2005
4:52:00 PM
By Journalist 2nd Class Kimberly R. Stephens, USS Theodore Roosevelt Public Affairs

-- USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) Operations Specialist 2nd Class Keison Hunt reenlisted aboard the Spanish ship Alvaro de Bazan (F 101) in the Persian Gulf Oct. 2.

Hunt is currently part of the U.S. Communications Assistance Team (CAT) that has been assigned in the integration of Bazan into the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG).

Bazan is the first European ship with the Aegis weapons system and is assisting the TRCSG with Maritime Security Operations in the Gulf.

"I decided to reenlist on the Spanish ship because I knew that I would be the first U.S. Navy Sailor to do it, and it was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience," said Hunt. It was also a first-time experience for many of the Spanish Sailors and officers on board Bazan to witness this type of ceremony.

"It has been an honor for me to preside over this ceremony on board my ship," said Bazan Commanding Officer Cristobal Gonzalez-Aller La Calle. "We don't have this kind of act for re-enlisting in the Spanish Navy, so it has been an interesting experience from which we can learn and maybe apply in a similar way."Hunts dedication in working with Bazan's CAT team has been an essential part of TR's Operations Departments endeavor to meet the challenge of joint operations.

"In spite of the language 'barrier,' the interaction has been good, especially with our communications team," said La Calle."I thought that it was a good experience because not many U.S. Sailors get the chance to be a part of another military. The Spanish crew was very friendly, and I enjoyed every moment of being on this ship," said Hunt.

Alvaro de Bazan is currently working with TRCSG in support of Maritime Security Operations (MSO) in the Persian Gulf. MSO sets the conditions for security and stability in the maritime environment as well as complement the counter-terrorism and security efforts of regional nations. [sigue...]

DOS.- (Y me parto)

Tropas españolas, de nuevo en Iraq
Miguel Moliné

El pasado mes de octubre, el diario La Voz de Galicia publicó una noticia donde se recogía la integración de una fragata española de la serie F-100en el grupo de combate del portaaviones nuclear Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). ¿Cuál era su misión? El 29 de septiembre, a pregunta de un diputado socialista, el Ministro de Defensa contestó «no está en una operación de paz, no está en una misión en el exterior, está en prácticas de adiestramiento» leer pregunta y respuesta completa). No obstante, existen elementos de juicios para creer que Bono no dijo toda la verdad y a las pruebas me remito. [sigue..]

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